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PodiatryIn London

Our in-house podiatry service is provided by The Gait Lab. They are an expert team of Podiatrists who can conduct a comprehensive assessment of your feet, legs and back, including video analysis, to identify issues and provide effective pain relief and treatment.


Podiatry can help with: knee pain, low back pain, hip pain, running style, arch pain, bunions and toe pain, Achilles injuries, plantar fasciitis / heel pain.

To start, we carry out an assessment that provides information on your history and the structure of your feet, legs and back.

Additionally, we look at strength, flexibility and your range of motion and positions of joints in the lower limb. Included is a video analysis before implementing a treatment plan.

Some health insurance companies cover the consultation fees however very few cover the cost of orthotics, if these are necessary.

Are you wearing the right sports shoes?

wearing the right shoesWhether you are a serious runner, or just running for fun or charity; enjoying recreational tennis or playing competitively; it is essential to wear the right shoes. Our podiatrist can help you avoid injury by assessing the fit of your current sports shoes or give advice on buying new ones.

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