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How We’re Responding to Coronavirus

Clinics Open for Face-to-Face Consultations

UPDATE – We are now back to full operating hours, and in line with the government guidance on the use of masks and other PPE in healthcare settings across the UK. We will stop routinely wearing masks and other PPE with clients. However if you would like the therapist to wear a mask within your session then please let our reception team know and we can ensure the therapist is informed before your appointment. We want you to feel safe so will contiue to wear masks where needed.

We will continue to keep you safe by implementing the following measures across all of our clinics:

  • Enhanced cleaning protocols.
  • The use of medical grade PPE by our staff, when requested.
  • Utilising online appointments where requested.

Central Health Physiotherapy clinics at St. John’s Wood, Chancery Lane & Chelsea are delighted to be back to normal service hours.

Appointments are available between the hours of 08.00-19.00 in Chancery Lane, Chelsea & St John’s Wood.

Online Physio Clinics

Our online virtual physio clinics will continue to operate as normal, we have found these to be very useful and effective at delivering physiotherapy during the coronavirus pandemic. All our physiotherapists are available for online appointments, this a great way to keep on track without needing to travel to one of the clinics. If you need us do not hesitate to get in touch!

Home Visits in London

We continue to offer Physiotherapy home-visits in London. Check out our physio home visits page to see if we cover your area in London.

Service Specific Information

Our hypermobility initial assessments are 90 minutes due to the complexity of the condition. However, due to guidelines set out by our regulatory body, we are no longer able to spend 90 minutes face-to-face with you. To offer you the same unrivalled level of service and expertise, we will split your initial appointment into 2 sessions with the same clinician; A 45-minute video appointment primarily for history-taking which will be followed up with a 45-minute face-to-face session in clinic to complete the physical examination and commence treatment.

Due to limited hydrotherapy availability, we now complete the first 30 minutes of the initial assessment online via video appointment. This is to take your history, complete a brief functional assessment and assess your suitability for hydrotherapy. This will be followed up with a 30-minute pool session.

Face-to-Face Consultations Post Coronavirus Pandemic in the UK

First and foremost, the health and wellbeing of our patients and staff is our number one priority.

Although, the legal requirement to wear a face covering no longer applies and our physios will no longer be wearing one as routine. We are happy to wear one if you would feel more comfortable in your appointment. Please let our reception team know so they can ensure the physio is aware before your appointment.

If you are in the high-risk group you can still complete your initial assessment via video consultation, charged at our usual online physiotherapy rates. At this stage, a risk assessment will be completed by your physiotherapist to establish whether a face-to-face follow up is clinically justified.

IMPORTANT: If you have booked a face-to-face appointment we’ll ask you to complete a consent form prior to your visit.

If you are considering a face to face consultation, you must read the following information.

In line with changes to government guidelines, your Physiotherapist will no longer be routinely wearing PPE. However if you would like them to, please inform our reception team and they can ensure the physiotherapist wear the below items for your appointment.

  • Single-use non-latex gloves.
  • Medical grade face mask, on request. 

Please consider if a face to face appointment is appropriate for you, especially if you meet any of the following criteria, we will screen for this on your initial appointment:

  • You are aged over 70.
  • You have a BMI > 40.
  • You have a weakened immune system.
  • You have any co-morbidities which can cause immunosuppression such as diabetes, HIV/AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis, alcohol abuse, smoking, long-term steroid use, cancer diagnosis or current cancer treatment.
  • You are caring for anyone in the shielded category.
  • We are now back to full capacity.
  • Disposable couch-roll will be used to cover the plinth and pillows. The plinth and wipable pillows will be fully sanitised between each patient.
  • Professional cleaners will perform a deep clean of the department at the end of each day.

On attending our clinics, we ask you to follow the below guidance:

  • You will be emailed a consent form prior to your first appointment with us – please complete, sign, and return this prior to the start of your appointment.
  • Please enter the clinic no more than 10 minutes before the start of your appointment time.
  • Please carefully clean your hands with the alcohol gel provided on entering and exiting the clinic.
  • Please prepare for a suitable level of undress during your session, you will need to bring your own shorts to the session if you have a spinal or lower-limb issue.
  • All physiotherapy exercises will be sent out electronically, no written information will be handed to patients.
  • Please attend your appointment alone where possible, unless you require an interpreter or you are accompanying your child for their appointment.

We continue to comply with government guidance to minimise the risk of our patients and staff contracting COVID-19 as much as possible. However, we are unable to eliminate the risk completely of contracting the virus if you come for a face to face appointment.

We strongly advise you do not come to clinic if you or anyone in your household is in the high-risk group as outlined above. Please let us know when enquiring about an appointment if you do meet any of the criteria listed.

Please do not attend our clinics if:

If you have booked a face to face physiotherapy appointment at one of our clinics, we will ask you to complete a physiotherapy consent form prior to your visit.

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We usually call you back within the hour during normal working hours

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We aim to respond within 60 minutes during normal working hours