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Kal Karrara

Kal Karrara Massage Therapist

Kal Karrara is a Massage Therapist at Chancery Lane


With 10 years of experience in sports therapy, remedial, sports and pregnancy massage, Kal has gained valuable skills while studying, living and working in Sydney and London. His approach to injury and postural rehabilitation is as comprehensive as possible. His skill set is based on musculoskeletal and fascial disorders and is always developing in nerve injuries and plant medicine.

Kal believes that soft tissue therapy is a necessity in terms of keeping the body healthy and that maintaining various aspects of this type of rehab will only help the person’s well-being both mechanically and mentally.


Kal has a specific interest in treating people with jaw, neck, shoulder and hip issues, whether to improve performance, aid recovery from an injury, or simply allow people to work at a desk free from aches and pains.


When out of the clinic you can find Kal practicing Wing Chun king fu, boxing, cooking, and watching his beloved Manchester United.

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