High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) – Week 1
Let’s get straight to the point!
The Benefits:
- Burn calories even after the workout
- Burn FAT
- Improve strength and tone
- Boost cardiovascular system
- Reduce risk of Diabetes
- Slows the aging process
- It makes you smarter
- No equipment needed
- You only need a few minutes
A HIIT session involves periods of high intensity intervals performed near maximum heart rate effort, followed by either short rest or recovery intervals done at approximately 50% of maximum heart rate.
It is advised to limit these types of workouts to 2-3 times per week.
The sessions should always start with an effective warm up to raise the heart rate, mobilise joints and activate muscles which will be required to work through big range of motion.
An example workout based on Tabata:
20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest, repeat 8 times
Exercises: Burpees, Lunges, Press ups, Squat jumps.
NB: Always consult your GP or an exercise specialist prior to taking on a new exercise regime.
So jump on the HIIT band wagon and get fitter, leaner, healthier, younger and smarter! No excuses left!
Classes run at Central Health Physiotherapy Chancery Lane clinic:
Wednesdays: 1pm
Thursdays: 7pm
All classes bookable online at https://www.central-health.com/classes/high-intensity-interval-training-classes/