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Turning the “ HIIT ” up: Part 2

Following her first blog a couple of weeks ago, Rene King continues with explanation of the benefits and outcomes of attending HIIT classes.

Burn calories even after the workout

Working the stomach muscles in an HIIT classA HIIT session will supercharge your metabolism.  Following exercise there is an afterburn effect known as EPOC (Excess-Post exercise Oxygen Consumption). When performing HIIT it takes the body much longer (up to 24 hours) to bring itself to its resting metabolic state, burning lots of calories in the process.  This is in contrast to the performance of lower intensity, longer duration cardio vascular workouts (eg  ‘plodding’ along on a long run), when the body returns to its resting metabolic state within a few minutes.

A study at Colorado State University found just 150 seconds of intense exercise can burn as many as 200 calories over the course of the next 24 hours thanks to a boosted resting metabolic rate.

Burn FAT

Exercise professionals used to believe that the best way to use fat as energy fuel is to exercise at lower exercise intensities (60%-65% of max heart rate) for long duration. At lower intensities you will burn more fat relative to glycogen but at higher intensities, you are burning far more fat in total.1 2 The difference with interval training is it allows you to exercise at very high intensities for a much longer period of time because it is interspersed with rest intervals. At these higher intensities you will actually burn more fat not just during the exercises but for a prolonged period afterwards compared to when exercising at a slow steady rate.

Improves strength and tone

People doing squats in an HIIT classAlthough various exercise modalities can be used during a HIIT session (cycling, running, rowing) we prefer to use all the big muscles together. By incorporating compound movements such as squat thrusts and burpees, which work more muscles together, we can, rather than focusing on ‘cardio’ and ‘strength’ separately, ensure the two are done at the same time!

For those looking to bulk up, there is also an anabolic effect shown in some studies.  When interval training is combined with consuming slightly more calories than you burn it creates an anabolic effect, which helps you put on muscle. This is the opposite to what occurs with steady state cardio, which for long durations is catabolic.4

Boost the cardiovascular system

HIIT leads to increased Aerobic Capacity because the amount of oxygen your body can use (oxygen uptake) is increased, so your overall aerobic capacity can increase faster than with low intensity endurance exercise4

Your ability to handle increased lactic acid buildup in your muscles also increases thus leading to an increased Lactate Threshold.

Reduce the risk of Diabetes

Studies have shown improved Insulin Sensitivity because your muscles more readily use glucose for energy, instead of the glucose being stored as fat. 5

It slows the aging process

HIIT stimulates the production of your human growth hormone (HGH) by up to 450 percent.  HGH is not only responsible for increased caloric burn but also slows down the aging process, making you younger both inside and out.

It makes you smarter

A Montreal Heart Institute study found that participants scored significantly higher on cognition tests and had boosted their brain oxygenation after doing just two HIIT workouts a week for four months.

No equipment needed

HIIT can be done with only your body weight so no equipment needed, meaning you can do it on your own, any time you fancy.

You only need a few minutes

HIIT will get you fitter in less time.  A study published in the Journal of Physiology found HIIT delivers all the health and fitness benefits of steady state endurance cardio in a fraction of the time. A Tabata session can take as little as 180 seconds.  So there goes that popular excuse: “no time to exercise”!

People flat out having done a HIIT class!“Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness”
Edward Stanley


It’s tiring, but beneficial and definitely fun!

Part 1: Why you should turn the “HIIT” up!




1. “Impact of exercise intensity on body fatness and skeletal muscle metabolism” Metabolism, vol. 43, no. 7, pp. 814–818, 1994.

2.  Talanian JL, Galloway SD, Heigenhauser GJ, Bonen A, Spriet LL. Two weeks of high-intensity aerobic interval training increases the capacity for fat oxidation during exercise in women. J Appl Physiol. 2007;102(4):1439-47.

3. Meckel Y, Eliakim A, Seraev M, et al. The effect of a brief sprint interval exercise on growth factors and inflammatory mediators. J Strength Cond Res. 2009; 23(1):225-30

4. Gibala MJ, Mcgee SL. Metabolic adaptations to short-term high-intensity interval training: a little pain for a lot of gain? Exerc Sport Sci Rev. 2008; 36(2):58-63

5. Tjonna AE, Lee SJ, Rognmo O, et al. Aerobic interval training versus continuous moderate exercise as a treatment for the metabolic syndrome: a pilot study. Circulation. 2008; 118(4):346-54.


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